

Dentures are removable appliances that are used as a replacement for missing teeth and tissues. They are the artificial teeth that enable the normal functioning of the human mouth. Dentures are of two types – Complete and partial.

Dentures are custom-made replacements for missing teeth and can be taken out and put back into your mouth. While dentures take some getting used to, and will never feel the same as natural teeth, today's dentures are natural-looking and more comfortable than ever.

Types of Dentures

Benefits of Dentures

Replacing missing teeth will help to improve your appearance and smile. Without support from the denture, facial muscles sag, making a person look older. Dentures can help you eat and speak more comfortably.

With full dentures, a flesh-colored acrylic base fits over your gums. The base of the upper denture covers the palate (the roof of your mouth), while that of the lower denture is shaped like a horseshoe to accommodate your tongue.

Dentures are custom-made in a dental laboratory from impressions taken of your mouth. At Invivo Aesthetics, Our Doctors will determine which of the three types of dentures described below is best for you.


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Frequently asked questions

False teeth have a bad reputation for looking fake and making the wearer look older. In reality, modern dentures are produced using cutting-edge technology that results in very natural-looking teeth and gums. We take precise measurements of your mouth and jaw in order to make sure the fit is exactly right, so you don’t need to worry about ending up with an overbite or wobbly dentures!

Complete / Partial Dentures: A variety of options are present for the replacement of teeth through dentures such as

  1. Basic complete dentures

  2. BPS Dentures

  3. Implant-supported complete dentures

  4. Cast partial dentures with metal clasps

  5. Flexible partial dentures.

  6. Removable partial denture

You can brush your false teeth as normal, just making sure that you are a bit gentle, especially at first. You can also take them out and wash them with soap and water. We recommend that you soak your dentures in water with a fizzy denture-cleaning tablet as well, in order to remove any food particles and prevent staining.

If looked after well, your false teeth will last up to seven years. Since your jaw and gums are gradually changing shape as you get older, we will need take a new cast to make you a new set of dentures when this happens.

When someone has been missing teeth for a long period of time, their jawbone will start to shrink. When the jawbone shrinks, it is more difficult for dentures to properly fit. Anyone who is in this particular situation please take an appointment with our dental professional for guidance and direction

Yes. Cleaning dentures requires one to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste or special denture cleaner to gently brush the dentures, which needs to be done at least once a day. They also need to be soaked overnight as this helps them retain their shape

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